Tree heights and buildings

Do your wargames tables suffer from short tree syndrome?

I used too, but since a visit to some battlefields last year, went to larger trees generally. teeny weeny trees always seem to make the wargames tables I see and used to lay out look like they are challanged by dwarf trees, but reality says something different.

Some pics to illustrate

St mere eglise.

Note the tree beside the 2 storey buildings at the west side of the road opposite the side of the church it is as high as the apex of the 2 storey + attic building.

The US military cemetery Monument is the height of a 3 storey building, but is dwarfed by the trees around it, even the horticulturally altered ones.

just inland from omaha beach.

A close up of a single storey barn building that nestles well below tree level

hill 112

Do trees block line of sight?

These Tree line blocks any view beyond it from the major hill in the normandy region. And This is from the high side!
