My first fishing weights: Burma in 15mm!

Well, these are also the first ever photographs I took of miniatures, no zoom, auto focus and hand held digital camera pictures.
I have been working on some 14th Army Peter Pig figures and some India pattern carriers obtained from QRF. My intention is to game the burma campaign, specifically the later battles around Mandaley. So far I have some British and Indian infantry (peter Pig 14th Army range) , the carriers from QRF.
I also have some 40mm bofers guns by Battlefront with Bofers tractors and some Lend Lease Lee tanks by Stronghold Miniatures. The terrain is a bit incomplete, but Hey , It will get better as it gets closer to completion and I have more time to work on it. But that isnt now!

The carriers have some reiver castings 20mm baggage on them. Something I had not considered as a possibility before, but works very well.
